Photo Deconstruction #1 (prism / double exposure)

I’ve been playing with things in front of my camera almost my whole career. Some idea’s i’ve gained from other great photographers and sometimes I just try new things. It can be a pint glass (usual concert photo go-to), or the brides bouquet when she needs her hands free. But when shooting at an open aperture that depth of field can really become your best friend.

So with this shot, I’ve got a glass prism that ill hold maybe 6” to 12” in front of my camera to create this nice glossy split between subjects. I’ve found it to make an interesting effect, almost like it’s two images spliced together. However, I just ask one of my two subjects to take a step away from the other. I’m sure you’ve noticed this type of shot in my past shoots and I will be going into other Prism techniques in future blogs. Keep reading because it gets better.

Okay, so the image above is rad. I think it’s a great final image, however our session ended just before the sunset really kicked in so after we parted ways I went ahead and pulled off on the lake drive and spent some time enjoying the view, maybe a few deep breaths to soak in the beauty for myself and then went ahead and pulled up a few images to create some doubles and textures. This is a practice I do after every shoot. Sometimes its the lake, sometimes it’s just some light leaks through the trees… Sometimes its at home with different lamps and lights.

I love doing doubles onto images like this since there’s already the prism effect, It almost creates a third layer look. I made sure to place the edge of the bush on the left with my subjects dark hair so that it would create that “I am nature” type look because, I mean, We are.

I have the settings in my camera to save both layers when creating a double exposure. You never know when you’re going to get a great images on its own this way. And I’d say This one is a keeper. I actually left the below image in their gallery. Maybe it’ll serve them well and bring a sense of peace and belonging like it gave me.

I hope you found this post informative and worth your time. Please let me know in the comments what you thought. I’d like to continue this model and perhaps dive deeper into educational content. Love you all!

A lil’ extra trick

I created this 6 images panorama photo while also out on this journey. It’s really quite simple, Snap your images just by going center first and work in a clockwise motion. Then after import, select all the images and right click and make panorama. boom pow!